Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The appeal to Moslems from the Chechen Mujahides

The text of the reference of Mujahides of the Chechen Republic to all Moslems of the world has been transferred to the edition of the "Caucasus-center" from the Shariat Committee of the State Credit Obligations - Madzhlisul Shura of the CHRI and the Supreme Shariat court of the CHRI. It is emphasized in the appeal, that this is an amanat (obligation) for each Moslem to bring the appeal of Mujahides of the Chechen Republic to natives and relatives, friends and familiars, neighbors and simple Moslems. Someone has an opportunity to issue a newspaper, a leaflet, someone to distribute the appeal in a mosque and someone to tell about it in the site in the Internet.

This is an appeal to all Moslems: to kings and presidents, princes and ministers, educators and scientists, imams and orators, teachers and professors, scientists of literature and poets, businessmen and the rich, to directors of charitable organizations, and all those who searches for generosity of Allah. There will be peace and blessing of Allah to all of you. This is an appeal from your brothers in the Chechen Republic . This is the appeal, which will remain in your conscience, not an appeal which can be simply heard and forgotten. This appeal is not just a voice of the oppressed, but the appeal of those, who suffer under the yoke of tyranny, but the appeal, which also reminds you of your religion.

We remind you of the rights of Allah and we remind you of your rights before reminding you about our rights.

This is the right of Allah that His slaves were true to him: "Allah has bought from the people their life and their property for the price that they will be in Paradise . They battle in the way of Allah so they kill and are killed. It is really the promise given by Him in Taurat (Torah), Indzhil (Gospel) and the Koran. Who is truer in the precept, than Allah? Then be pleased with the deal, which you have made. It is a great success” (the Koran 9:111).

You have also the right to try and render at any opportunity when Umma is in need:

"Look! You are those, who are called to spend in the name of Allah, and there are such among you who are avaricious. And who is avaricious, this is only due to himself. But Allah is rich (is free from all desires), and you (people) are poor. And if you turn away (from Islam) he will replace you with other people, and they will not be similar to you ". (The Koran 47:38).

We also have the rights which you possess. For our religion those who are tested through and are in deprivations, have the same rights as those who are in comfort:

"There are such among people, who are in comfort and who experience difficulties also; be merciful to those, who are in deprivations and be grateful to Allah that He has granted you well-being".

Your responsibility in relation to us also includes safety of the rights of all the members of Islamic brotherhood: “All the religious people, - men and women - are Auliya (assistants, supporters, friends, patrons) to each other... "(The Koran 9:71)

"Religious people are not anybody others, but brothers... "(The Koran 49:10).

Prophet (MIMB) said: "A Moslem is the brother of each other Moslem; he does not make harm to him and does not leave him alone. To the one, who comes to the aid of his brother during need, Allah will help him during his time of need. The one who facilitates the burden of his brother, Allah will facilitate his burden from (many) burdens in the day of the court".

The prophet also said: "Be (among each other) slaves to Allah and brothers; a Moslem is the brother to each other Moslem; he does not makes evil to him, does not despise and does not offend him".

To all leaders of the Islamic world:

You are obliged to protect your religion and to render glory to it! Are not you angry with spiteful attacks to Islam? Do you remember about the sanctity of the religion of Allah and inviolability of lives of Moslems? Do not you have even insignificant valor and eagerness of great caliph Al Mutazim, who conquered Byzantium to revenge for one Muslim woman offended by a Byzantium soldier?

And what has happened to our Islamic scientists?

What answer will you give us from many textbooks of jurisprudence, which you know by heart and which you teach the students? We remind you of the example of an associate of Abu Talh Al Ansari, who read the words of Allah:

"Rise (for fight) easy and with burdens, young and old" and without fluctuation he ordered his sons: "Prepare me for the fight! Prepare me for the fight!"

Take an example also from Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak, who recited the following lines:

Oh, the worshipping in two sacred places, if you saw us (in fight), you would know, and that your worship (as a test) is like a children's game!! If your cheeks are humidified with tears (from worship) we impregnate our spirit with blood (of worship)!!

And what is with the poets of Umma, scientists of literature and doctors?

Remember yours Umma, which was shattered into parts by its enemies! Do you remember the fact that you Umma is lost in the ocean of the deceit created by mass media and organizations of news, which deliberately mislead to upset morals of our brothers and sisters all over the world! Words of the poet are really true:

If they knew the truth, they would hide it,
If they knew evil, they would embellish and trumpeted about it,
And if they did not know anything, they would tell a lie,
If they heard curses, they would jump with joy,
If they heard good, they would hasten to hide it,
They are deaf, when it is spoken about good
They are attentive, when it is spoken about bad".

We call you to stir up this Umma from its somnolence and to remove the blindness, which has blinded its sight and its ability to see and answer wounds of Moslems bleeding everywhere. Really, if you are not responsible for this Umma, than who is responsible for it?

To those whom Allah has tested riches, those of you who achieve brilliant contracts and good deals in business, we represent you the most brilliant contract and the best deal in business! Remember, that if you do not spend your riches today, these riches once will part with you.

Pay attention to the order of Allah: "Trust in Allah and His Envoy and spend what He has made you successors of. And those of you, who have believed and spent (in the way of Allah), will have the great award" (the Koran 57:7)

"What has happened to you, if you do not spend for the name of Allah? Allah possesses the inheritance of heavens and the grounds. Those who spent among you and battled before the conquering of ( Mecca ) are not equal (to those among you who did it later). These are a degree higher, than those who spent and battled later. But Allah promised everybody the best (award). Allah knows what you do". (The Koran 57:10) "Who gives Allah a good loan, He will increase it many times. Allah diminishes and adds (your stocks), and you will return to Him" (the Koran 2:245)

Pay attention to the doctrine of Prophet (MEIB): "Which of you likes money of his successor more, than his own money? They (associates) said: "Oh, the Prophet of Allah, all of us love own money (more, than money of the successors). The prophet answered: your money is what you hasten to spend, and money of your successors is what you do not hasten to spend".

Those of you, who live in comfort and safety, those of you who sleep in comfortable beds in quiet rooms with members of your family and your children, remember the deprivations, which your brothers in the Chechen Republic are having. Remember Mujahides who live in the mountains covered with snow and who live under storms of rockets and weapons of mass destruction. Remember their resistance and bravery before the deprivations. Remember their stability and their breaking victories over the vindictive enemy because your brothers, battle for nothing other but for the sake of your religion of Islam, and for the sake of respecting of your Umma.

The whole world has risen against your brothers - do not leave your brothers in this difficult situation and recollect Abdulla Ibn Amra's words to those who left the Prophet (MEIB) in the day of Uhud:

"Oh, people! I remind you of Allah! Support your people and your prophet against your enemy! They answered: "If we had known, that the struggle was coming nearer, we would not have left you. But we see that there will be no war". Before the face of this irreconcilability Abdullas said: "Let Allah take you away from His enemies, as He will be sufficient for His envoy!"

As the result of this situation Supreme Allah opened the stanza: "And what you have suffered (from disaster) in the day (of fight of Uhud), when there were two armies, was by the permission of Allah that He tested you. And so that He tested hypocrites, it was said by him: "Come, battle in the way of Allah or, (at least), defend". They said: "If we knew, that battle would be, we by all means would follow you". That day they were closer to disbelief, than to belief". (The Koran 3:167)

Remember refugees, both orphans, and old men, and remember the words of the Prophet (MIMB):

"Religious people for each other are like a brick wall, which keeps strongly" and "The example of the religious people in their relations of love and affinity is like a body; if one part of a body hurts, the whole body cannot relax all the night long".

Realize that what is happening to your brothers and sisters in the Chechen Republic can as well happen to you. Also pay attention to the caution of Allah: "And why you do not battle for Allah and for those weak, sick and oppressed among men and women and children who appeal: "My God! Rescue us from this city, inhabitants of which are tyrants, and give us the patron from you and give us from you the assistant". (The Koran 4:75)

We remind to our noble sisters, who unite the numbers of Umma, of the difficult life, which your sisters in the Chechen Republic are having; they live among death and destructions, and under the control of the enemy, barbarous, backward and full of hatred. The uncertainty is great for a possibility to be disgraced, and torture is so close.

Oh, Moslems! Our Umma is one body and if one part of the body is damaged or weakened, then the whole body is damaged and weakened. Remaining indifferent to these signals devastates your spirit of religion! The positions of the person, who appeals to Allah, but declares, that his prays are for protection of his country against disaster, are such. And when the disaster comprehends his country, it declares, that his entreaty will protect his city. But when the disaster comes to his city, he says, that his prays will protect his house.

So, this faithless person speaks: "Allah has presented me with His generosity; He will not let me die with them".

Remember, that your brothers need your Dua (prays for Allah). They realize its importance and appreciate its influence. Recollect, when associate Kutaiba asked about Muhammad Ibn Vasii, and was told, that Muhammad was at the flank of the army with a finger specifying in the sky. Having heard it, Kutaiba answered: "This finger (specifying in the sky) is better, than 100.000 swords".

Prophet (MIMB) reminded us of importance of Dua when he said: "And do you expect that the victory will come for you from nobody else but from the weakest among you?"

In the conclusion we ask Allah to give the victory of His religion and to all His slaves, and to destroy His enemies and to speed up simplification to the Moslems of the Chechen Republic .

Allahu Akbar!

Your brothers Mujahides in the Chechen Republic
Kavkaz Center

2004-12-27 00:36:41

taken from: http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/article.php?id=3389

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

A beautiful mind...?

Alhamdulillah, hari ni hari ke 3 untuk trimester 3 delta yang juga officially insyaAllah, my last semester kat MMU. (note the 'official' word there.. :D ) . InsyaAllah, semester ni amik 7 subjek including my final year project, or some called it degree thesis. (I personally liked the latter term, since it sound more gempak. Hohoho.) And honestly in my opinion, 6 subject is not going to be very easy... pejam celik pejam celik mengadap notes. Camner pun insyaAllah, akan sentiasa yakin, berusaha dan bertawakkal kpd Allah, agar Dia memudahkan segalanya. Just to quote from a hadith (I don't really remember the exact words, but somehow it sounds like this..), "Jika ada seribu orang dari kalangan jin dan manusia berkumpul untuk memberikan sesuatu kemudharatan kepada kamu, maka tidaklah akan mereka memberi mampu memberikan kemudharatan itu kepadamu melainkan dengan izin Allah, dan jika ada seribu orang dari kalangan jin dan manusia berkumpul untuk memberikan sesuatu manfaat kepada kamu, maka tidaklah akan mereka mampu memberikan manfaat itu kepadamu melainkan dengan izin Allah...". If Allah wants to make all this easy for me, He can make it so. After all, He is the one who created me, giving me shelter and food, put me here in MMU, allows me to write in this blog, allows me to breath at this moment, and everything that happened and will happen to everything in this universe. He's the Most Compassionnate and Most Merciful to His servants.."Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini Ya Allah, dan janganlah dipersusahkan urusan² hambaMu ini dan berikanlah kepada hambaMu ini kesudahan yang baik."

One more thing, out of the 6 subjects which insyaAllah i'll be taking, 4 of them would be which I consider a reading subject. And to be honest, from my past experiences, i don't deal with these reading subjects very good during lectures. I tend to get very very sleepy during lectures on these subjects, be it whether previously I have enough sleep or not. Things would be different if I'm attending a mathematics or programming (or any psychic-like) class. Somehow this is the case too when I was during my secondary schools.. which to be honest I slept most of the time :P . I found it out that I was better off reading the notes and keep my own pace on these subjects rather than listening to the lecturers. This way, I can continue reading hours by hours without stopping for a long break. Nope, I never meant to be rude to my lecturers when I slept in their class, it's just I've tried staying up but to no avail (and I have tried doing this since my secondary schools.. :D ). Yesterday during the start of a lecture session, the lecturer said that she allows her student to sleep during her class, as long as the student doesn't snore. Ahh.. what a green light.. (Alhamdulillah.. :D ).

The way we behave reflects the way we think. Of course, we are always curious about ourself, don't we? Most online quiz i took concluded that I'm someone who thinks too analytically. I don't know how true this is, but sometimes I think I found myself thinking in a boolean way. Only 0 or 1. No intermediate values. Only good and bad, right and wrong. Perhaps this is another reason why I get very sleepy during certain subject lectures, and not during programming and mathematics class. One more thing, I remembered during my industrial training a few months ago, when I was given a programming task, I can virtually do it non-stop from morning until evening for a few continuos weeks. But when I was asked to write a 2 page report, my brain seemed to jammed, and I straight away fall to sleep.. (while sitting on the office chair.. :D ). It took me almost one whole day to complete the 2 page report.. No wonder a friend says I'm someone who is 'mudah mengantuk' in my testimonial in friendster. But honestly again, it depends on the situation I'm in and what I'm doing, or more particularly, what my brain is doing.. :D

Ok.. insyaAllah jumpa lagi. By the way, it took me approximately 1 hour 20 minit just to write and post this blog. I think this is another reason why I am better of doing something which would let me think in a rather boolean way. No wonder I don't really like talking..wallahualam.

wassalam warahmatullah

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Renungan: Titik hitam di hati setiap kali lakukan dosa

APABILA mata rosak, ia boleh menyebabkan buta. Apabila hati rosak kerana terlalu banyak buat dosa, ia juga boleh menjadi gelap dan buta.

Diriwayatkan, seorang ahli sufi dan ulama terkenal selepas zaman Rasulullah, Maimun bin Mahrar, ada berkata: "Apabila seseorang melakukan dosa, tercalit di dalam hatinya satu bintik hitam. Apabila ia berhenti dan bertaubat, hatinya akan kembali berkilat, tetapi jika kembali melakukan dosa, bertambahlah bintik hitam hingga menutup ruang hatinya.

"Apabila dosa terlalu banyak, maka tertutuplah pintu hati dan seterusnya, hati menjadi buta untuk mendapatkan hak dan kebenaran agama. Mereka akan menganggap ringan dan mudah akan urusan akhirat dan menganggap besar dan penting akan urusan dunia hingga fokus tertumpu pada urusan dunia saja.

"Apabila telinga mendengar ketukan urusan akhirat dan segala bahayanya, ketukan itu akan masuk ke telinga sebelah, tetapi tidak menyerap ke dalam hati untuk sedar dan bertaubat."

Begitulah kedudukan segumpal hati di dalam badan. Bagi orang mukmin sejati, di dalam hatinya ada lampu bersinar, tetapi mereka yang lebih mementingkan nafsu dan keduniaan, hati menjadi gelap dan buta.

Selain menjaga pancaindera seperti mulut, mata dan telinga, menjaga hati perlu diberi keutamaan. Jika boleh, elak daripada mengguris dan melukakan hati orang lain, sama ada menerusi perbuatan, percakapan mau pun tulisan.

sumber: http://www.bharian.com.my/m/BHarian/Sunday/Agama/20041205093108/Article/

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Munajat Seorang Hamba

Dikala malam sunyi sepi
Bani insan tenggelam dalam mimpi
Musafir yang malang ini pergi membasuh diri
Untuk mengadap Mu oh tuhan

Lemah lutut ku berdiri
Di hadapan Mu tangisanku keharuan
Hamba yang lemah serta hina
Engkau terima jua mendekati
Bersimpuh dibawah duli kebesaranMu

Tuhan hamba belum pasti
Bagaimana penerimaanMu
Dikala mendengar pengaduanku
Ku yakin Kau tak mungkiri

Dalam wahyu yang Kau nuzulkan
Kau berjanji menerima pengaduanku
Dan Kau berjanji sudi mengampunkan ku
Dari segala dosa yang ku lakukan

Ampunan Mu tuhan
Lebih besar dari kesalahan insan
Hamba yakin pada keampunanMu tuhan
Bukan tidak redha dengan ujian
Cuma hendak mengadu pada Mu
Tempat hamba kembali nanti di sana

Hijjaz - Munajat Seorang Hamba (Album Cahaya Ilahi)