A beautiful mind...?
Alhamdulillah, hari ni hari ke 3 untuk trimester 3 delta yang juga officially insyaAllah, my last semester kat MMU. (note the 'official' word there.. :D ) . InsyaAllah, semester ni amik 7 subjek including my final year project, or some called it degree thesis. (I personally liked the latter term, since it sound more gempak. Hohoho.) And honestly in my opinion, 6 subject is not going to be very easy... pejam celik pejam celik mengadap notes. Camner pun insyaAllah, akan sentiasa yakin, berusaha dan bertawakkal kpd Allah, agar Dia memudahkan segalanya. Just to quote from a hadith (I don't really remember the exact words, but somehow it sounds like this..), "Jika ada seribu orang dari kalangan jin dan manusia berkumpul untuk memberikan sesuatu kemudharatan kepada kamu, maka tidaklah akan mereka memberi mampu memberikan kemudharatan itu kepadamu melainkan dengan izin Allah, dan jika ada seribu orang dari kalangan jin dan manusia berkumpul untuk memberikan sesuatu manfaat kepada kamu, maka tidaklah akan mereka mampu memberikan manfaat itu kepadamu melainkan dengan izin Allah...". If Allah wants to make all this easy for me, He can make it so. After all, He is the one who created me, giving me shelter and food, put me here in MMU, allows me to write in this blog, allows me to breath at this moment, and everything that happened and will happen to everything in this universe. He's the Most Compassionnate and Most Merciful to His servants.."Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini Ya Allah, dan janganlah dipersusahkan urusanĀ² hambaMu ini dan berikanlah kepada hambaMu ini kesudahan yang baik."
One more thing, out of the 6 subjects which insyaAllah i'll be taking, 4 of them would be which I consider a reading subject. And to be honest, from my past experiences, i don't deal with these reading subjects very good during lectures. I tend to get very very sleepy during lectures on these subjects, be it whether previously I have enough sleep or not. Things would be different if I'm attending a mathematics or programming (or any psychic-like) class. Somehow this is the case too when I was during my secondary schools.. which to be honest I slept most of the time :P . I found it out that I was better off reading the notes and keep my own pace on these subjects rather than listening to the lecturers. This way, I can continue reading hours by hours without stopping for a long break. Nope, I never meant to be rude to my lecturers when I slept in their class, it's just I've tried staying up but to no avail (and I have tried doing this since my secondary schools.. :D ). Yesterday during the start of a lecture session, the lecturer said that she allows her student to sleep during her class, as long as the student doesn't snore. Ahh.. what a green light.. (Alhamdulillah.. :D ).
The way we behave reflects the way we think. Of course, we are always curious about ourself, don't we? Most online quiz i took concluded that I'm someone who thinks too analytically. I don't know how true this is, but sometimes I think I found myself thinking in a boolean way. Only 0 or 1. No intermediate values. Only good and bad, right and wrong. Perhaps this is another reason why I get very sleepy during certain subject lectures, and not during programming and mathematics class. One more thing, I remembered during my industrial training a few months ago, when I was given a programming task, I can virtually do it non-stop from morning until evening for a few continuos weeks. But when I was asked to write a 2 page report, my brain seemed to jammed, and I straight away fall to sleep.. (while sitting on the office chair.. :D ). It took me almost one whole day to complete the 2 page report.. No wonder a friend says I'm someone who is 'mudah mengantuk' in my testimonial in friendster. But honestly again, it depends on the situation I'm in and what I'm doing, or more particularly, what my brain is doing.. :D
Ok.. insyaAllah jumpa lagi. By the way, it took me approximately 1 hour 20 minit just to write and post this blog. I think this is another reason why I am better of doing something which would let me think in a rather boolean way. No wonder I don't really like talking..wallahualam.
wassalam warahmatullah
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