Java Developer for Sale/Rent
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah... Salam awal muharram.. hari ni dah 4 Muharram 1426. Dah agak lama tak upate blog ni..anyway ntah ada orang bace ntah tak :D ..
Alhamdulillah, masih dipanjangkan usia untuk menempuh tahun baru hijrah. InsyaAllah, semoga keimanan dan ketaqwaan kita semua kpd Allah makin meningkat, masa demi masa, hari demi hari, sehinggalah kita bertemu denganNya di bawah keredhaanNya.
Ok.. just want to update about myself. Dlm 3 weeks ago i started applying for jobs through and Mainly i applied for the position Java Developer and Software Engineer.. sampai dlm 30 jobs i applied in one or two days. Tawakkal to Allah.. to let Him give the best for me. Alhamdulillah, tak sampai seminggu dah dpt about 4/5 interview.. tapi satu pun tak dapat attend... Reason? Minggu tu gak lah ada test n kelas still pack. Terpaksalah menolak semua interview yang mendatang. Alhamdulillah dpt gak satu interview by call, tapi since company tu perlukan orang time tu gak, terpaksalah tolak. Since saya insyaAllah will only be available for work after April 2005..not now. Apply awal sbb ingatkan dpt nak luangkan masa utk interview, tp since time table sendiri dah pack... n my Final Year Project pun insyaAllah akan dihantar dlm masa sebulan lagi.. so I really can't make myself available for any other things. Consequently, i withdraw from all the 30 jobs i applied, nanti tak pasal-pasal lak kene black list sebab tolak banyak sangat interview.. insyaAllah, i will start applying again in a short period. Rezeki di tangan Allah; tawakkal only to Allah to let Him give the best, dunia and akhirat.
However i would be more than happy for any Java Developer/Software Engineer/System Analyst job offer from anyone out there. InsyaAllah, i can program using languages other than Java too, including C++, C, Visual Basic, and PHP but I prefer Java since I've been using the language tremendously since my industrial training at Scan Associates about 6 months ago, and now my degree's thesis (or fyp..) are 95% written in Java. Basically what I'm doing for my fyp is an email encryption system written in Java and utilizing BouncyCastle API. Please email me at or for my resume or any information regarding my final year project. I would really appreciate it if you did :)
InsyaAllah, till we meet again.. ilal liqo'. Wassalam warahmatullah
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