Friday, December 17, 2010

Banglo Sungai Tangkas, Kajang untuk dijual. Lokasi amat berdekatan dgn GMI (German Malaysian Institute, lebih kurang 1km), KTM UKM (2 km), pintu utama UKM (4 km). Jiran berdekatan.

Siap dengan perabot . 6 bilik tidur, 5 bilik air
Status tanah: Freehold
Keluasan tanah: 6790 kps
Keluasan binaan: 4700 kps
Harga: Boleh dibincangkan

Rumah boleh dilawat pada hari sabtu dan ahad. Sila hubungi tuan rumah: Haji Din di 0192081760

Sungai Tangkas, Kajang Bungalow For Sale. Very near to (German Malaysian Institute, about 1km), KTM UKM (2 km), UKM's main gate (4 km).

Fully furnished . 6 bedrooms, 5 wash room/toilet
Land area: 6790 kps
Built up area: 4700 kps
Price: Negotiable

The house can be inspected on saturday and sunday. Please call house owner Haji Din at 0192081760

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Posted by ShoZu

Friday, January 08, 2010

Best way to manage money… is online?

It’s pretty unusual for me to write something about managing money and reviewing a site on my blog, considering I have been writing programming problems and fixes here for the past few years. Anyways I think this topic should be of benefit to most of us here, and I’m currently in quite a serious need of money management, since my salary is not that big, and I’m expecting another baby this may (on top of the one I’ve already got :D)… so here I go.

From what I watched on tv and read on most magazines, the best way to manage our finances is to separate our monthly income into several money envelope or money jars. This envelope (or jars) should be used for specific reasons, and we have to be disciplined to make sure of that. So after a few readings and watching, I decided to give a try to a money jar system which was introduced to me through T Harv Eker’s book, A Millionaire Mind. Basically using this system, we should divide our income into 6 money jars, which are for:
1) Necessities
2) Education
3) Fun & Play (leisure and other unnecessary stuff)
4) Charity
5) Long Term Saving for Spending (LTSS)
6) Financial Freedom Account (FFA)

The first jar, as the name implies, is for necessities only. Usually this jar is where our income is most allocated to. Second jar is for education, which is to buy books or anything for self-improvement. Third jar is for entertainment or buy or pamper ourselves with our hard-earned money. Forth is for charity, while the 5th one, LTSS, is our main savings jar. The last one, FFA, is where we put our money for investment.

Here’s my comment for the T Harv Eker’s money jar methods:
I think it’s simply brilliant. All this while I thought a good money management method is to divide our income into only two things, which are for necessities and savings. Boy was I wrong. The T Harv Eker’s money jar methods totally owned me. Or if I was playing mortal Kombat, I would have been defeated by the ‘flawless victory’ by T Harv Eker. Dang.

The goodness of the method above is it covers all important part of money management. Yup, the book says giving a part of your income as charity is an important part of money management. When you give, you’ll get more. It’s the natural law of earth. And yup, I’ve never seen anyone became broke just because he/she loves to gives to charity. The opposite is true. Most millionaires I read loves to gives for charity. As T. Harv Eker said in the book the millionaire mind, “The mark of true wealth is determined by how much one can give away”.

Another thing is I never thought of allocating a part of our monthly salary for fun & play, education and investment. I thought buying something for fun and pleasure is only when you have significant amount of money left. I was wrong, again, because as my own experiences shows, when I tend to become over strict on my budget for a month or two (hence buying only necessary things), I tend to over blow it up the next month. It’s just natural I think. All of us needs to be pampered consistently, at least a little, by our hard-earned money. So this method of allocating a part of our monthly salary for leisure is very, very good. And for the education part, it’s quite good too I think, since it forces us to do our own self improvement, although currently I use most of my money in education jar to pay off my study loans. And finally, the investment jar. Most of financial management expert I have met insist that we have at least, a small amount of investment, no matter how small our salary is. So this gives me the opportunity to save a small portion of my money every month, and I intend to invest on something, perhaps a unit trust by the end of the year using the money I’ve saved in the investment jar.

So in my opinion, the money jar method above is the best money management method for most, if not all of us. But then, there’s still one problem for me: Implementing it. By implementing it is I mean; of course I don’t plan to buy 6 empty jars and withdraw all my monthly salary and put them into these jars. And I think keeping track of my expenses every day, and compare it to the balance of each jars, is too troublesome. Not until my friend introduced me to a website: MyFinanceX – Free Online Financial Planning Tool

To my surprise, the website implements the same money jar method I described above and boy do they implement it perfectly well! The interface is very simple, especially after you’ve been familiar with the money jar method. You only need to key in your monthly salary (and you have the option to make the entering of monthly salary automated for each month), divide how many percentage of your salary should go to each jars (done only once), and then enter you’ll be presented with a simple interface for you to enter your daily expenses. It’s that easy. You can always check your expenses progress compared to your money jar allocations, generate charts of your expenses, and even share the charts with your friends! At first I thought what’s the point of sharing your expenses details with your friends in facebook, but on the other hand, I think it’s quite good to sometimes display it in my wall, so my friends can comment on my spending and give suggestions on how to reduce it. And for youngsters, I think it can be a perfect arsenal for you to ask more from your parents by sharing them your over spent charts :P. Additionally you can create several expenses categories under each of the 6 money jars. And the best thing is, MyFinanceX is free. :D . So hop on to and register yourself an account, and start managing your hard-earned money the easy but very effective way!

To make matters more interesting, when I emailed the guys at MyFinanceX, they told me that a mobile version of MyFinanceX will be available soon. It means soon we can use our mobile phones to enter our daily expenses and view our money jars status (current website is not really mobile friendly I think, especially for normal mobile phones like mine). I think that would be much welcomed, since my mobile phone is the only stuff that can connect to internet that I’d bring around most of the time.

So if you're searching for simple but really effective tool to manage and plan your money, look no further than MyFinanceX. You won't be disappointed. Besides it is free, so what do you have got to lose then? :D

Here’s some of my screenshots from

Monday, October 05, 2009

jannah walking!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


My blog is moved to

See you there!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Alhamdulillah. It has been a couple of months since I last updated this blog. Reason? Takde mase kot. Or I think most probably it's because I found something better to do than updating this blog :D Actually terlintas nak update blog ni pun sbb I think somehow my english is deteriorating. Dah lame tak cakap & menulis dalam bahase penjajah ni kot. So insyaAllah, my remedy to the problem is, I've got to write in English, and my blog pun jadi mangsa.

Just a few days ago the indecisive Pak Lah made a decision that shocks the whole nation - that is, the price of fuel went up by 30 CENTS. The biggest increment ever. The people has to make sacrifice, he said. Change your
lifestyle, his DPM said. InsyaAllah, we'll change the government, I said. I wish not to elaborate further regarding this issue, since I've done so in another forums & blogs. What a bad, bad ruling party we have here. Innalillah wa inna ilaihi roojiun. It made me wonder, who voted this clowns to be our leaders anyway? Sometimes majority means all the idiots are on the same side. So, I don't think I need to state the obvious, kan...?

insyaAllah, ilal liqo'.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Message From The Mujahideen In Chechnya To The Ummah
Jan 04, 2006
By Ubaidah Al-Saif , Translation © Jihad Unspun 2005

Deputy Military Commander Abu Hafs has sent a message to this year’s Pilgrims, in particular, and to the rest of the Ummah, in general, calling on every Muslim not to forget their brothers in Chechnya, especially during this Holy time of year as he reports on the progress within the Caucasus.

A Message From The Mujahideen In Chechnya To The Ummah

In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah, and peace and prayer be upon our prophet Muhammad, the Imam of Mujahideen who was sent with mercy to all mankind and Jin, his family, and his companions.

Pilgrims Brothers At The Sacred House Of Allah, Muslim Brothers Everywhere

Assalamualikum Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuh

This time is a special time, the first 10 days of Dthu Al-Hejjah, and this season is a special season, it is Pilgrimage season. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are in the best condition; we go from one victory to another, by the Grace of Allah, and by your support and invoking Allah on our behalf. In spite of all plots and slanderous acts against Mujahideen everywhere, Allah will not allow but His light to be perfected, even though the unbelievers may detest (it).

My Muslim Brothers,

The long duration of fighting in Chechnya has strengthened Jihad and the Mujahideen, by the Grace of Allah. Thousands of young and elderly men have come from everywhere to Chechnya and the rest of the Qoqaz area to the point that we felt bad as the facilities and the nature of our operations do are inferior for such a huge number. But Alhamdulillah firstly and Alhamdulillah lastly. Our jihad bore fruits not only on the battle field but also in the political arena. The duration of fighting has already weakened the Russian enemy.

In addition to daily losses, the enemy’s president (Putin) can not fulfill the promise he made to the Russian people before his election. He is facing a real political problem, locally, and internationally. He has promised to put an end to the resistance in Chechnya, but Allah has disgraced him. Signs of victory are very clear here, your brothers are in very high spirit and determination in spite of their injuries. Your brothers here revived those old heroic days of Khalid and Hamza, may Allah be pleased with them. Their performance against the enemy of Allah has been outstanding, so is your brother’s performance, especially their latest battle in which Shiekh Omar Al-Saif was killed, may Allah accept him as martyr.

O you Muslims who are getting ready to stand atop of Mount Arafat! You owe your brothers here something. You cannot forget them and you must do everything you can to help them and invoke Allah on their behalf. You must stay by their side until total victory is realized, by the Grace of Allah.

And remember, the prophet, peace be upon him said:

“The relationship between the believers is like one body, if a part of that body suffers from anything, the rest of the body responds by feeling the heat and staying up.”

May Allah accept good deeds from us all. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.

Allahu Akbar and glory is to Islam.

Your brother,
Abu Hafs
1 Dhu'l-Hijja 1426
January 1, 2006

taken from: