Alhamdulillah. It has been a couple of months since I last updated this blog. Reason? Takde mase kot. Or I think most probably it's because I found something better to do than updating this blog :D Actually terlintas nak update blog ni pun sbb I think somehow my english is deteriorating. Dah lame tak cakap & menulis dalam bahase penjajah ni kot. So insyaAllah, my remedy to the problem is, I've got to write in English, and my blog pun jadi mangsa.
Just a few days ago the indecisive Pak Lah made a decision that shocks the whole nation - that is, the price of fuel went up by 30 CENTS. The biggest increment ever. The people has to make sacrifice, he said. Change your
lifestyle, his DPM said. InsyaAllah, we'll change the government, I said. I wish not to elaborate further regarding this issue, since I've done so in another forums & blogs. What a bad, bad ruling party we have here. Innalillah wa inna ilaihi roojiun. It made me wonder, who voted this clowns to be our leaders anyway? Sometimes majority means all the idiots are on the same side. So, I don't think I need to state the obvious, kan...?
insyaAllah, ilal liqo'.