The longest journey: A journey to Kelantan..
Alhamdulillah, it’s been a really great day for me.. and although still penat, but I have to brace myself to write this and store what’s in my memory, digitally..eheh.. Actually me and 5 of my friends just went to Kelantan to go to Tok mudin’s walimatul urus And this is my first time to Kelantan .
We start our journey at about 12 midnight (12am Saturday morning) from Bangi by 2 cars, one driven by Ise and the other by Faiz Schumacher, just stopping at some petrol station to fill up our car’s petrol. After about 2 hours driving, we reached Raub, Pahang and we stopped at a Masjid here, and by the advise of Faiz Schumacher, we were told to empty what’s inside our stomach because after this we are going through Gua Musang, a no-man’s land.. He told us that through our next journey, we will be driving for a couple of hours, and unlike if we are traveling through PLUS highway, there will be no proper R&R and petrol station here when we travel to Gua Musang. My dad told me that previously there was a curfew, which is we can’t travel through Gua Musang after certain hours because it’s pretty dangerous to take a trip through here actually, since if we are stranded or met with an accident, because the lack of lamp post (I’ve seen virtually no streetlamp here, actually..) nobody will notice us, and the lack of phone coverage in this area (especially digi..haha..), made anyone who travels through here virtually travels alone; and the trip here is more than 200km if I’m not mistaken. That’s why some people called this place a no-man’s land.
So we travel through the night, and somewhere during the journey there was quite a heavy rain. Nazly was driving the kancil Ferrari and faiz Schumacher as the co-driver. During the rain, we noticed a kancil just terbabas into the semak as we drive through..some other cars has stopped to help them. InsyaAllah, hopefully nothing bad happens to them..(boleh doa je, sbb driver and co-driver tak sedar lak, jd tak dpt nak berhenti ). We reached Gua Musang R&R about 5:30 am., jd sementara tunggu time solat subuh, kitorang tido jap dlm kerete..ingatkan baru 5 minit, sedar² dah lebih setengah jam tertido, Alhamdulilah encik Ekram yg tak tido kejutkan kitorang, kalau tak mau terlepas subuh dah. After that Faiz Schumacher amik alih driving dari nazly, and saya jd co-driver pulak (takde point pun jadi sebenarnye, sbb saye tido gak..
). And for the other car yang di drive oleh ise, bila ditanye perlu tukar driver ke tak, ise just cakap "still kuat maa..bole drive lagi punya…" tp time ekram amik alih driving, tak sampai seminit ise terus tertido…hahaha..
Then we continue our journey to Jeli, rumah Tok Mudin..we stopped for breakfast and to cleanse ourself before sampai rumah tok mudin (takkan nak pi rumah orang kawen pakai baju tido kot), we stopped at a surau.. we had a little rest, basuh² muka (tak dapat nak mandi sebab takde air..haha..) and get our clothes changed..then we sambung our journey. At some point, time saye terbangun dari tido waktu jadi co-driver, ternampak signboard tulis ‘Thailand-5km’..pastu tetiba dapat sms ‘Welcome To Thailand’ dari digi lak.Bertuahnya digi,dari takder line tetiba ader line, tu pun digi tukar ke network Thailand. Jd kalau nak buat call diorang kire international roaming.. dah la time tu credit nak abih dah.... Menurut faiz schumacher, Thailand terletak betul² kat sebelah kitorang je, kat seberang sungai time kitorang tgh drive tu..jd dia kater kalau time air surut (air sungai ade surut ke?) bole seberang ke sana..hahaha…mau kene tembak dari askar Thailand kang..dah lah tak pasal² bunuh orang Islam kat tak bai..).. At about 12 something we reached Tok Mudin’s house. Alhamdulillah, dpt jumpa gak pengantin baru ni..pagi semalam tok mudin diijabkabulkan..ingat² balik, last time jumpe tok mudin ni, rase cam dia ni still kecik je lagi..sedar² dah kawen…hehehe.. We spent about 40 minutes at tok mudin’s house..tak dpt nak stay lamer, sbb nak gerak ke rumah faiz schumacher kat kota bharu lak.. so tak dpt nak tunggu tengok tok mudin berarak sbg raje sehari.. (jgn lupe upload gambar² tu nnt tok mudin..)
Then we continue our journey to rumah faiz Schumacher, the renowned pemandu kancil Ferrari. After more than 2 hours driving, Alhamdulillah we reached his rehat² sat kat rumah dia sambil makan buah salak and mee hoon, and ise sempat memuatkan tangan²nya dengan buah salak untuk bekalan time driving nnt..eheh.. Right after azan asar, kitorang bertolak ke masjid negeri (kot), mandi² and solat jama’..pastu kitorang sambung perjalanan kitorang. Ehsan jd driver kancil Ferrari, saya jadi co-driver (cam biase, co-driver yg sentiasa tido ) and nazly duk kat belakang sambil tido terdongak kepala kat atas the whole way dari Kota Bharu ke R&R Gua Musang. Berbekalkan kaset UNIC baru, ehsan memandu sampai ke R&R Gua musang..and nazly complain yg kaset ni dah pusing berape puluh kali..mane taknye..time pergi pasang kaset ni, time balik pun pasang kaset ni gak..hahaha…
Sampai R&R Gua Musang, kitorang solat jama’ maghrib isya’ makan n minum sikit, then once again we continue our journey through the no-man’s land Gua Musang. Ekram ambil alih jadi driver dari ise lak..sbb ekram kater time on the way ke R&R Gua Musang tu, Ise dah tertido sambil driving; dia kater kepala ise dah melekat kat steering (camner tu?)..hahaha…Ehsan lak jadi YB duduk kat seat belakang sorang2. Time ni turn saye lak utk drive..haha..dengan berbekalkan doa, lesen P yang belum tamat tempoh, dan nazly sbg co-driver, kitorang pun mulakan perjalanan. So Alhamdulillah we travel the whole way from Gua Musang to Bentong, and stopping only once kat tengah², itupun untuk stretchkan tangan yang penat driving. And actually this is my first time driving sejauh tu . Cuak gak, dah la takde lampu jalan, yg ader pun cat’s eye ngan papan tanda je, and at some point jalan tu sometimes berkabus ataupun dilitupi asap yang agak tebal..Alhamdulillah semuanya ok..Then we stopped at bentong, sbb saye tak tahan dah, ngantuk bangat kerete pun dah tak straight, asyik nak masuk emergency lane je..Alhamdulillah ada co-driver yg elok (jadi tukang urut n supply gula²..hahaha..puji ni en. Nazly). Ekram yang pandu kerete kat belakang kitorang pun tgk kitorang drive pun dah senget. So we stopped at bentong, and nazly amik alih driving, and saye tido kat seat co-driver
. Alhamdulillah, a few hours later sampai kat R&R genting sempah, makan² n minum, and sambung our journey back to bangi. At this time kitorang berpecah, nazly drive balik kancil Ferrari sorang², and kitorang berempat dalam satu kerete yg didrive oleh ise. Alhamdulillah, about 2:45am, sampai kat apartment ise n ekram kat bangi. Masuk je apartment tu kitorang terus tergolek kepenatan..Alhamdulillah..home sweet home (bukan rumah saya pun..eheh)…
So that’s my story, how we travel to Kelantan ‘balik-hari’. One thing worth mentioned here, the undisputed skill of faiz Schumacher (and how the kancil Ferrari got its name). Time saye jadi co-driver dia, rase cam kerete lain slow sangat..byk kerete dia potong, tp tengok kat meter kerete tu dlm 80/90 km/j je, tp yang pelik hampir semua kerete dia bole potong, pastu ise yg drive kat belakang pun byk kali komplain kater kancil Ferrari ni selalu hilang2…hahaha…and one more thing, time ehsan drive kancil Ferrari ni pun, ekram yg drive kerete kat belakang pun komplen kancil Ferrari ni asyik2 ilang gak, tp ehsan kate dia rase dia drive slow je..saye yg jd co-driver pun tak rase laju gak.Haha.What’s with this kancil actually? Or even better, who actually is this guy faiz Schumacher?...hehe
OK, finally here I list all the awards for our The longest journey.. a journey to Kelantan:
Best driver: Ise
Best co-driver: Nazly and Ekram
Faiz Schumacher aren’t eligible for this award, since he’s on a different level of ‘makam’ . He drives a kancil Ferrari, a new hybrid of kancil, which can’t be found anywhere else in the world
Best new-learned words: Kopi kuat (ekram)
Ehsan and me certainly aren’t qualified to win any co-driver or driver awards, since we slept most of the time at the back seat..hahaha..
Alhamdulillah..that’s all. Juz want to wish tok mudin again, selamat pengantin baru, moga berbahagia di samping isteri, dunia dan akhirat. Doa²kanlah untuk kitorang pulak k.
.. insyaAllah ujung tahun ni buat rombongan pi JB lak..