on National Achievers Congress @ pwtc
Alhamdulillah.. lepas dah berbulan tak usik blog ni, ada gak kesempatan untuk meng'updatekan'nya. Looking at my last post, rupanye dah 2 bulan tak diupdatekan blog ni.hohoho.
Alhamdulillah, yesterday and sebelum yesterday I went to pwtc for a congress called National Achievers Congress or in short, NAC 2005. Well actually I got the ticket (2, actually) from my auntie who can't make it to the 2-day congress. Just for your info, the ticket will cost you more than rm300 if you buy the ticket 1 year earlier, or nearly rm1K if u buy it a few weeks before the event. And obviously I won't go to the event if not for the free ticket I got. I was reluctant to go at first, but after my sister asked me to go with her, and thinking that the overpriced congress would provide a 1st-class free meal, so off I go... only to find out that you have to bring your own snack for the entire 9-5 congress, or else you could buy some food at the again, overpriced pwtc food stall.
Anyway for the content of the seminar, Alhamdulillah I found it to be quiet good. The first speaker was Jay Abraham, and it was said that he's the no. 1 marketing wizard of america and this is the 1st time I heard of him. His talk was on "Billion Dollar Marketing Ideas". He's a billionaire and his business is consulting companies on the right marketing ideas (sounds easy for me :D ). During the 2-day congress one can buy Jay Abraham's Ultimate Package which includes books and cds on business and marketing for discounted price of rm5.6k, while the actual price is nearly 40k...which made me wonder does he really make his wealth by consulting companies..or does he actually did it by selling these stuffs? Ehehe... cause on the 2nd day I've been told that this 'ultimate package' is nearly sold out.. =))
The other speaker that caught my attention was Ron White. He held a world record on memorizing many digits of number. During the seminar he asked 10 participants to give him a total of 40 digit of random numbers, and he amazingly memorized it. He can even read the number in backwards with no problem. MasyaAllah. He even taught us how to do it but I think it will be too long if I to write it here :D .
Overall Alhamdulillah, I learned quite many new things from this seminar, although a few times I fell asleep, especially during the afternoon talk. I guess even a rm1k seminar won't be able to keep me up if it is already my nap time :D . But one thing I discovered from this kind of seminar (including MLM and so on) is they tend to portray that making millions of wealth is easy, while the fact is it isn't not that easy; at least that's what I think.
Next year they will invite the guy from 'Catch Me If You Can' (the real one, not leonardo) to give a talk for the incoming congress. One more thing, although the focus of this congress is on creating billion dollar businesses, I wonder why are there still many people who kept coming to this congress, year after year without fail, but they still haven't become millionaires.. or billionaires, instead, since the focus is on creating billions, not millions. :D .