You can see how much lying is there in the Western media...
I have seen different reports on how many dead and wounded there are on each side of the battle. The Americans say 38 Americans have been killed and 275 wounded and 1200 insurgents killed. However, Sheikh Al-Thulami of the Shura Council in Fallujah says several hundred Americans are dead. Who is correct?
God knows the real numbers. I don’t have correct numbers, but they are sure much more than what they announce. You can see how much lying is there in the Western media, and the statements of the White House. Remember all the statements about the WMD and the links to Al-Qaeda? These are all lies.
The numbers of killed soldiers are much bigger. Last night two military personnel vehicles, full of soldiers, were destroyed— just last night; my son was in Garma and came today and he told me about it, and it wasn’t reported in the media at all.
[taken from Islam's live interview with A Fallujan guard Abu Laith at]
May Allah helps our brother in Iraq, Palestine, Chechen, Thailand, Kashmir, Afghanistan, and all over the world.